Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Just another's really just a gym post to be completely honest. 

Just ran to get a workout in last night so I felt accomplished and it was the best one yet. I really wanted to push myself and get some cardio in!

---pause, yeah I started this entry and then took a day off---

It's now Friday! Sorry. 

Anyway, my quads are screaming at me from my working Tuesday and I loves it! It's such a great feeling, a good muscle pain if you will. I'm not exactly sure where I was going with this entry when I started yesterday so I'll just GO.

I think I just wanted to tell my routine and how well my hip(s) is/are holding up. So I started with some quick cardio to get the blood moving and the sweat flowing. I feel like if I'm not sweating, then I'm not doing anything and that's totally bummer. I jumped on the elliptical for 10 minute, level 5, 20-25 resistance and got my sweat on for sure. My quads were burning pretty serious and my glutes which is what I was going for. From here, I did a 1 minute cool down and jumped over to the open area to do some leggies. For this routine (done standing next to the railing for added support - since the hippies are still suuuuper weak)... I started with walking lunges, alternating sides. I went the length of the railing which was just under 10 lunges, when I got to the end I went right into 10 squats - feet shoulder width apart. Turn around and lunge back to the starting spot and do 10 sumo (wide stance) squats. This all counts as 1 set. Now do it three times. YIKES. I did need to use the railing, mostly for guidance but also for my right hip since it is super weak still. But it felt really good.

Moving on, I did some quick planks (normal and side), stretched and headed home. Let me tell you, I couldn't walk down the stairs in the gym without feeling like I had spaghetti legs! Great feeling. So that was Wednesday night and here I am Friday even more sore. But day 2 is always the worst.

I can say that stretching out my hip makes it feel so much better. Usually like a lunge type stretch (op-leg back) feels good as well as the quad stretch (standing and pulling your ankle up toward your butt)...feels so good to stretch out that hippie. 

Couple more short weeks away and the screws will be no more. What am I going to do with all these screws? I want to do something creative to like "show them off"..any ideas? Tell me in the comments. 

Gonna hit the gym tomorrow for arms and abs and then rest until Monday. I think right now, 3 days is enough for me. I just want to run.

1 comment:

  1. Have you done anything with your screws? I love that idea of doing SOMETHING with them! Did you have to ask for the screws or did they just offer them to you? :0)
